Willow Bend Country Club By-laws

Willow Bend Country Club By-laws

In 1919, a group of prominent businessmen and civic leaders organized the Van Wert Country Club and adopted its first set of by-laws. A lease was negotiated with the Van Wert County Agricultural Society for the use of part of its fairgrounds for a 9-hole golf course. The first full season of operation, complete with sand greens, was in 1920. The fairgrounds served as our home through the 1923 season.

In March of 1923, the Van Wert Realty Company was organized for the purpose of owning real estate to be used for recreational purposes. The present site was acquired and our 9-hole golf course was laid out and built, complete with beautiful bent grass greens. It opened for play in 1924.

In 1936, the Van Wert Realty Company sold its assets to the Willow Bend Realty Company. The Willow Bend Realty Company has leased its golf course and equipment to the Willow Bend Golf Club ever since.

In 1995, the Willow Bend Realty Company turned operations of the golf course over to the Central Insurance Companies. Willow Bend Country Club is leasing the golf course on a long-term basis from a subsidiary of Central Mutual Insurance Company.

Membership Fees & Dues Club Rules Suggestions & Complaints Officers & Advisory Committee Members Meetings of the Advisory Committee Employees


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    Section 1

    Membership shall be by invitation only. A prospective member shall be first considered and approved by the Executive Committee. An application for membership shall be completed by the applicant and filed with the Secretary.

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    Section 2

    Family Memberships shall be available to men or women 36 years of age or over. This membership permits the member and his family full use of the Clubhouse facilities and the golf course subject to the restrictions contained in the Club rules. This membership includes unmarried children of the member as long as they are residents of his/her household or attending an undergraduate institution of higher learning through the age of 22 years. However, upon graduation or becoming regularly employed, that member of the family would no longer be entitled to privileges under this membership.

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    Section 3

    Junior Family Memberships shall be available to men or women under 36. The Club privileges of a Junior member shall be extended to the spouse and children.

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    Section 4

    Single Memberships shall be available to men or women who do not desire a family membership.

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    Section 5

    Social Memberships and Business Social Memberships – Non-Golfing – shall be available to men or women for dining facilities and social activities only.

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    Section 6

    A Van Wert High School Golf Team Membership shall be granted annually. The membership shall include members of the golf team approved by the Van Wert High School Golf Coach.

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    Section 7

    Accounts owed to the Club for food service, Pro Shop fees and dues, are due and payable 15 days after the statement date. Such accounts are considered past due after that date. A monthly service charge of 1.5% of the unpaid balance will be charged on any unpaid balances owed at the beginning of the next month subject to a $1.00 minimum. This is an annual percentage rate of 18%. Club privileges may be suspended for members whose accounts are 45 days past due until the account is paid in full. If a suspended member is not reinstated, any dues and fees which have been paid for the season will not be refunded.

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    Section 8

    Payments on account may be made by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). The total of your charges on your monthly statement will be withdrawn electronically from your checking account on the 15th of every month. To enroll, simply complete an Authorization Agreement and include a voided check for the checking account from which you would like future deductions made. The beginning of each month, you will receive a Willow Bend statement detailing your transaction information for the prior month. Any questions need to be raised by the 10th of the month so they can be resolved before the EFT entry is sent to the bank.

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    Section 8

    Members resigning from the Club shall be liable for the full amount of their annual dues.

    Written notice to the Club is required for anyone wishing to terminate their membership and will be effective upon receipt by the Club.

Fees & Dues

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    Section 1

    Visit our Membership page to review types of memberships and associated dues.

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    Section 2

    Dues are payable as follows:

    • Annual Payment – January 15th
    • First Payment – January 15th
    • Second Payment – April 15th
    • Third Payment – July 15th
    • Fourth Payment – October 15th

Club Rules

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    Section 1

    Violation or infraction of any Club rule or regulation shall be considered sufficient cause to justify the suspension of the guilty member for such period as the Executive Committee may determine.

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    Section 2

    The Clubhouse may be rented for private use.

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    Section 3

    Any property of the Club injured, damaged, or removed by a member or by any person introduced by him, shall be paid for by the member.

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    Section 4

    Children under nine years of age, unless accompanied by a parent, or other attendant, will not be allowed in the Clubhouse or Pro Shop.

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    Section 5

    Members leaving personal property on the premises do so at their own risk.

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    Section 6

    All activities shall be cleared through the Executive Committee before announced to the membership.

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    Section 7

    The Golf Course is a softspike facility and metal spikes are not allowed.

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    Section 8

    Pro Shop/Golf Course Dress Code
    Proper golf attire must be worn on the golf course, putting green, and driving range at all times. MEN: Shirts with sleeves and collars, slacks or mid-length golfing shorts. WOMEN: Medium-length skirts, and/or golfing shorts with appropriate blouse top. No jeans, denims, short shorts, tank tops, halters, or bare midriff tops.

    Restaurant/Clubhouse Dress Code
    Main Dining Room – Proper attire must be worn in the main dining room at all times. Business casual – no denim. MEN: Shirts with sleeves and collars and slacks. WOMEN: Skirts or slacks with appropriate blouse top. No short shorts, tank tops, halters, or bare midrift tops.

    Lounge Dress Code
    Appropriate denim is allowed. MEN: Shirts with sleeves (No t-shirts), slacks, or mid-length golf shorts. WOMEN: Skirts, slacks or golf shorts with appropriate blouse top. No short shorts, tank tops, halters, or bare midrift tops.

    Please notify all guests of this policy prior to their arrival. The Pro Shop Manager is responsible for the enforcement of the dress code.

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    Section 9

    No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on the premises other than that purchased from the Club, pursuant to Ohio Law.

Suggestions & Complaints

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    Section 1

    Suggestions by members for the betterment of services or possible improvements are encouraged and welcome. Any such suggestion should be referred to the Advisory Committee and the Executive Committee for consideration and final action.

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    Section 2

    Employees must not be interfered with nor reprimanded by members of the Club. Any matter which is the subject of dissatisfaction, criticism or complaint should be brought to the attention of the Executive Committee.

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    Section 3

    The Executive Committee is empowered to exercise full responsibility in determining all emergency matters affecting the conduct of member or guests, the service and deportment of the Club employees, and the administration of the Club’s activities.

Officers & Advisory Committee Members

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    Section 1

    The business and management of the Club shall be exercised and controlled by the Executive Committee which shall consist of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice President and shall be appointed by Security Central Corporation.

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    Section 2

    The President shall monitor the overall operation of the Club.

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    Section 3

    The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Club. He shall issue notices of all meetings of the Club, and act as custodian and keeper of all Club records.

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    Section 4

    The Treasurer shall keep all financial records and work with the staff in controlling costs.

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    Section 5

    The Advisory Committee shall be made up of the Executive Committee, Restaurant Manager, Pro Shop Manager, and Greenskeeper. There shall also be a Social Committee, Membership Committee, a Men’s Golf Committee and Women’s Golf Committee, the members of which shall inform and make suggestions to the Advisory Committee regarding those issues which come before them.

Meetings of the Advisory Committee

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    Section 1

    Special meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be held upon call of the President.


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    Section 1

    It shall be the responsibility and duty of the Pro Shop Manager to enforce the Club rules, golf rules, etiquette of golf, and such other rules as established by the Executive Committee. The Pro Shop Manager, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall employ such other employees as may be necessary to staff and provide quality service.

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    Section 2

    The Greenskeeper, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall employ such other employees as may be necessary to keep the course in proper condition.

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    Section 3

    The Restaurant Manager, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall employ such other employees, under such terms and conditions, as deemed necessary to staff and provide quality service.

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